Teaching resources
Bringing to life the topics of teamwork, leadership, communication and resilience, and inspiring young people to be the best they can be.

Changing young lives
With the right support and motivation, we believe that every young person can raise their confidence and self-esteem, and identify their strengths to make informed decisions for their futures.
We have developed these FREE resources linked to the cornerstones of our programmes to allow teachers and youth leaders across the UK to share in our vision.
To create your teacher profile and browse our digital resources, please register below.
Select a Key Stage below to get started:

Why join JET Inspired?
We're already helping teachers and youth leaders like you across the UK.
Our JET Inspired resources have been developed by qualified teachers to help take the stress out of lesson planning and delivery. Resources, activities and digital content is aligned to specific Key Stages of the PSHE National Curriculum with a clear focus on building confidence, communication skills, teamwork and leadership in young people. The dynamic video content has been created in partnership with inspirational role models from across the UK to offer real-world, behind the scenes examples of these vital life skills brought to life.
Let us help you inspire your students.
JET Inspired pupils reached
reached by end 2021
1 million
reached by 2031